In our healthy living category, you’ll find helpful posts filled with recipes as well as wellness information and tips. With a well-rounded approach to health, these posts will help improve by focusing on mind, body and spirit.
Healthy Living
You can now connect with mental health counselors across the country by using a 988 dialing code, the new three-digit suicide and...
About 9 percent of American adults will experience kidney stones in their lifetime. If one of these stones passes through your system,...
Sean Kelly, DO, one of our adult and pediatric spine surgeons, explains why spine health is important for people of all ages....
Breastfeeding can be overwhelming at first, especially if you’re a first-time parent. It’s easy to feel alone and unsure during the process,...
We spoke with Aarat M. Patel, MD, who specializes in adult and pediatric rheumatology, to learn more about the signs and symptoms...
Back-to-school season means the quest for new lunch recipes has begun! Plus, you want these ideas to be easy and nutritious, which...
When the summer days dwindle down and the school year looms, it’s not unusual for kids to feel some amount of anxiety...
During the summer months, when school isn’t in session, it’s easy to relax your child’s daily schedule. Bedtimes may get a little...
Just over a year ago, Bon Secours Legacy Early College Health Center opened to provide a close and convenient care option for...
When you’re sick, a persistent cough can make you feel even worse. While it doesn’t treat the cause of the cough, many...